
12 June 2012

Kinderfeets Bike Giveaway

I guess everyone's dream during childhood is to own a bike?Right? We as parents also delight in the sight of our children driving their very own bike as well but sometime we worry about safety. Considering training wheels for your little one's bicycle? Or like to have your kids start riding a bicycle but like to do this in the safest and most natural way? Read on...

The Kinderfeets is a patented balance bike, also known as a training bike or a running bike. The child sits on the bike while walking or running! It provides a great starting point for children preparing to ride a “normal” two-wheeled bicycle with pedals. It’s a clever alternative to training wheels and is considered a superior form of learning to balance on two wheels. The Kinderfeets is for ages 2 and older and can carry a maximum load of 70 lbs.

The Kinderfeets is designed by a Dutch designer living in California with his family. His son was a key figure in developing this bike, testing prototypes and telling dad what works and what doesn't.

The Kinderfeets comes in 6 different colors or natural finish. And check this out: the colors are chalkboard finish! So your little ones can customize their ride with chalk.

These are some of the key features of the Kinderfeets:
•footpegs for cruising
•low step through frame allows for lower settings of the seat
•Forever-Air-Tires (no more flats!)
•washable seat cover
•chalkboard finish colors

Kinderfeets has teamed up with Cny's Extreme Couponing and Of Limes and Lemons is helping out to offer not 1 but TWO custom Bikes

Get your entries in below!!! Ends on June 15th 12:01 am EST.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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