
05 May 2012

Action Campaign : Moms for Social Good – #ItStartsWithMoms Mother's Day Tweet Chat

Mom Bloggers for Social Good have partnered with some of the leading organizations that work with women globally on the #ItStartsWithMoms Twitter chat. The chat will be held on Friday, May 11 from 12 noon - 1:30 PM EST. 

This event will have robust discussions about mothers and motherhood. We will talk about saving families by saving mothers, innovating for moms, and mothers for social change.

Please help us spread the word about the Twitter chat and I hope you can drop by and join us all next Friday! 

On May 11, 12-1:30pm EST, follow the discussion using the hashtag #itstartswithmoms. RSVP for the event on Facebook so that you can be reminded of the date and time as it nears.

Action Campaign:

Tweet: May 11, NOON ET Join #ItStartsWithMoms chat w/ @Jhpiego @MCHIPnet @WomenDeliver @PSIHealthyLives @JSIHealth @socialgoodmoms #socialgoodmoms

Facebook: Join the #ItStartsWithMoms Twitter Chat on May 11

Pinterest: Join the #ItStartsWithMoms Twitter Chat on May 11

"Thriving babies, healthy families, lives that reach their potential; it all starts with mothers. To celebrate this Mother’s Day, Jhpiego has partnered with USAID’s global Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program MCHIPJohn Snow InstituteWomen DeliverPSI, and Mom Bloggers for Social Good for a twitter chat on how providing mothers and their babies with a healthy start to life makes communities stronger, countries more secure, and our world a better place."

1 your thoughts here::

Jennifer James said...

Thank you so much for blogging about out tweet chat! We greatly appreciate it.

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