
30 April 2012

Lemonade Day

As you know this blog's title is somewhat related to limes and lemons, see story here. No, they're not really my favorites but I am just fascinated by these fruits (or wherever they are qualified). I chanced upon an article about "Lemonade Day" got curious about it and was happy to read about the inspiring history that Prepared 4 Life started.
Actually I don't know if there is really a National Lemonade Day or if there is I don't know when it is celebrated. Lemonade stands are so popular among children as a source of additional money most especially during summer.let me share inspiring story behind the movement :

"Lemonade Day was inspired by the lessons local entrepreneur and philanthropist Michael Holthouse taught his young daughter and her friend when they set-up a lemonade stand. Instead of giving his daughter money to buy a turtle, Lissa got creative and asked her father if she could open a lemonade stand. Mr. Holthouse encouraged her to set goals and go for it. Who knew that what started as an innocent question from his then 10-year-old daughter, Lissa, wanting a pet turtle, would turn into a life changing opportunity for hundreds of thousands of children across Houston and the country!
Lissa and a friend set up a lemonade stand, and learned a ton along the way, but so did Michael! He realized that there were important lessons in mentoring and business that he was able to share with his daughter that day. That one day sitting in the street corner with his daughter at her lemonade stand inspired what is now known as Lemonade Day. It is day of educating and empowering kids to have a dream and pursue it and showing them how, actually giving them the tools to do it!
Lemonade Day is a free, fun, experiential learning program that teaches youth how to start, own and operate their own business – a lemonade stand. It began in Houston, Texas in 2007. Since then it has grown from 2,700 kids to 120,000 kids in 31 cities across America and Canada in 2011. The yearly momentum for Lemonade Day continues to build and by 2013 the program aspires to be in 100 cities with one million registered youth."
If you want to know more about Lemonade Day, get your child start their own lemonade stands. More than just selling lemonades this experience will surely be a fun way to learn. Visit their website at 

You can also check out and follow their Facebook and Twitter Pages to get ahead and participate in the activities and be involved, there might be one in the city nearest you!


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